Pay, Apply and Request


Service Request Form

Click to request trash, recycling or box pickups, street light repairs, pot holes or other service needs.

Bagged Yard Waste Pickup

Bagged Yard Waste pick up is available as a subscription service on Mondays, April 7 thru October 27. The Village cannot accept yard waste in the trash. (Click for information abou...

Bulk Waste Pickup

Bulk item pick up is a pay as needed program allowing residents to dispose of large items (furniture etc) that can't be taken with the weekly trash. More information and registrati...

Zoning & Permits

Considering a project at your home? Permits are required for common improvements such as sheds, fences, pools etc. Click below for information and permit forms.

Permit Forms

Request a House Check

The Police Department provides a free vacation house watch program for residents, periodically checking the exterior of your home. Click below to sign up.

House Check Request

Pay a Traffic Ticket

Traffic and Criminal tickets may be paid by clicking the link below to the Toledo Municipal Court.

Pay Traffic Ticket

Tax Forms & Info

Ottawa Hills has a 1.5% local income tax. Click below for forms and information. We're here to help - call 419.536.6502 for assistance or to schedule an appointment.

Tax Forms & Info

Register a Bike

To register, click for a form, stop by the police department, or call 419-531-4211 to have an officer stop by. Info needed: bike brand, size, color, and serial number.

Order House Sign

Reflective house number signs can be purchased through the Village for $25. These signs help visitors and emergency services locate your house. Click to see samples and order.

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