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With your registration for a Village Life class/program and/or your participation in a youth sport, you are acknowledging that you have received, reviewed and agree with the following information.
General ReleaseIn consideration for having access to the facilities used during class, I hereby release hold, harmless and indemnify any property owners, class instructors, volunteers, the Village of Ottawa Hills and its employees, Ottawa Hills Board of Education & Joint Recreation Board and agents from any liability for bodily injury or harm, which participants may suffer as a result of or in conjunction with the use of said facilities.
WAIVER OF LIABILITY PERTAINING TO COVID-19With your registration, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to the terms of this waiver, found HERE.
CONCUSSION INFORMATIONStarting April 26, 2013, the Ohio Department of Health requires parents and athletes to receive concussion information annually for each sport.
With your registration, you are agreeing that you have received and reviewed this concussion information, which can be found HERE.
I understand concussions and other head injuries have serious and possibly long-lasting effects.
By reading the information sheet, I understand I have a responsibility to report any signs or symptoms of a concussion or head injury to coaches, administrators and my student athlete’s doctor.
I also understand that coaches, referees and other officials have a responsibility to protect the health of the student-athletes and may prohibit my student-athlete from further participation in athletic programs until my student-athlete has been cleared to return by a physician or other appropriate health care professional.
LINDSAY'S LAW (SUDDEN CARDIAC ARREST)In accordance with Lindsay’s Law, the Ohio Department of Health, the Ohio Department of Education, the Ohio High School Athletic Association, the Ohio Chapter of the American College of Cardiology and other stakeholders jointly developed guidelines and other relevant materials to inform and educate students and youth athletes participating in or desiring to participate in an athletic activity, their parents, and their coaches about the nature and warning signs of sudden cardiac arrest.
Emergency Medical AuthorizationI hereby give my consent, in the event of reasonable attempts to contact either parent or guardian have been unsuccessful, (1) for the administration of any medical care, treatment or transportation that is deemed necessary during the course of Village Life/Village of Ottawa Hills activities or events and (2) agree to accept the cost of the transportation and/or treatment by medical personnel or facility.
The following resources were developed to implement Lindsay’s Law. With your registration, you are agreeing that you have received and reviewed this information regarding sudden cardiac arrest:
For parents/guardians and youth athletes:Lindsay’s Law Parent Info Video: Watch HERE
Parental Handout: Read HERE
Village Life class size is limited and applications are processed on a first come, first served basis. All fees are due at the time of registration. All classes will have a minimum enrollment. Classes, which have not met the minimum enrollment 72 hours prior to the first class, will be cancelled. Participants will be notified by email in the event of a class cancellation due to low enrollment.
Refund PolicyPlease contact the Office of Village Life at villagelife@ohschools.org or 419.537.9852 to request a refund. There will be a $10 fee charged for any registration cancelled by participants less than a week prior to the class. ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS will be made after the first class session. If the Office of Village Life cancels a class, due to insufficient enrollment, you will be notified and all your fees refunded. Please allow up to 2 weeks for refunds to be processed.
Photo Permission ReleaseVillage Life has your permission to take pictures of children participating in our events for use in our advertisement and promotion of future events. Village Life requests your permission to use these photos on our website, our Facebook page, in our newsletters and/or on our bulletin boards.
We will never reference your child by name or provide any specific information regarding your child. Please contact a member of our staff if you do not want your child’s photo to be used.
By checking that you accept the Village Life disclaimers, you are acknowledging the receipt and agreement of the above mentioned information, authorizations and waivers.