Field Hockey Camp


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Please note this camp starts on Tuesday.

Ottawa Hills Field Hockey summer camp is a great opportunity to introduce the sport of field hockey to your young athletes. Participants will have fun with lots of small drills and contests.

We will focus and review the fundamentals of the sport starting with - how to hold a stick, proper body positioning, moving the ball with dribbling, push passing, drives, and sweeps.

Also included will be understanding field positions, defensive moves including tackles and jabs, small game-play, and more!

Players must have their own water bottle, shin guards and mouthguard. Bring a stick if you have one, a few extras will also be available.

Please note this camp starts on Tuesday.

Ottawa Hills Field Hockey summer camp is a great opportunity to introduce the sport of field hockey to your young athletes. Participants will have fun with lots of small drills and contests.

We will focus and review the fundamentals of the sport starting with - how to hold a stick, proper body positioning, moving the ball with dribbling, push passing, drives, and sweeps.

Also included will be understanding field positions, defensive moves including tackles and jabs, small game-play, and more!

Players must have their own water bottle, shin guards and mouthguard. Bring a stick if you have one, a few extras will also be available.

Instructor: Brooke Rasmus

Location: OHHS Stadium

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