Art - Return to Hogwarts Art Camp (Session 1)


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Return for one magical week to the world of Harry Potter! You will create your own complete cast of characters, from Harry to Hermione to Hagrid. You will design your own Fantastic Beast on paper, then create it in clay. We’ll make a Furry Monster Book/Box that opens to store treasures. We’ll create Baby Hedwig, Dobby and a grumpy mandrake-in-a-pot. Come join us for more Hogwarts artistic adventures!

All supplies included. Wear old clothes and bring an art shirt!

Please note: There are 2 sessions of this same camp. Same projects, just different dates. The other session is offered Jun 16-20.

Return for one magical week to the world of Harry Potter! You will create your own complete cast of characters, from Harry to Hermione to Hagrid. You will design your own Fantastic Beast on paper, then create it in clay. We’ll make a Furry Monster Book/Box that opens to store treasures. We’ll create Baby Hedwig, Dobby and a grumpy mandrake-in-a-pot. Come join us for more Hogwarts artistic adventures!

All supplies included. Wear old clothes and bring an art shirt!

Please note: There are 2 sessions of this same camp. Same projects, just different dates. The other session is offered Jun 16-20.

Instructor: Cindy Bodziak

OHES Art Teacher

Location: OHES Art Room

Max Class Size


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