Sled Hill Restoration

Posted on Mar 27, 2024

Sledding Hill Restoration

Restoration of the Sledding Hill Meadow is set to begin this Spring. Non-native trees will be removed between March 11th and 31st. The material from the trees will be left on site for use in habitat structures. Construction and planting is expected to occur between April and June 2024. Brookside Dr. will be utilized to access the project area. While you may notice increased truck traffic during this time, access will be maintained on this road throughout the entirety of the project. For your safety, the area will be closed for public use during construction. The area will remain closed through August to allow for vegetation to establish. This period of non-disturbance is vital to the success of the project.

Once the area opens, we ask that the public be sensitive to the new plantings by staying within the designated recreation areas and keeping pets on a leash. There will be a post-construction maintenance period through September 30, 2025. In this phase, crews will occasionally be on-site planting, monitoring, and treating invasive species. The meadow may be closed temporarily for during these activities.

This project is being led by The Nature Conservancy and is financed through grants from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources’ H2Ohio program and the NFWF/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service with the objective of improved water quality. Two public information sessions were held in 2023 to gather input from Village residents. Final restoration plans involve constructing shallow depressions in the landscape that will capture stormwater runoff and let it filter through wetland vegetation. Raised trails and recreation spaces will be incorporated. The area will be seeded with native grasses and flowers and approximately 5,000 trees will be planted.

If you have any questions or would like to report an issue, please contact Ashlee Decker of The Nature Conservancy at